Electric solar cooking in Myanmar.
Fosera is a solar company, based in Germany, offering solar home systems for off-grid electrification. Their research and development work relates to off-grid DC powered efficient cooking appliances (rice cookers).
Fosera aims to introduce small rice cookers to the market to meet the needs of a single or two-person household as well as partially meeting the needs of larger households. Existing 12V DC rice cookers are available on the Chinese and European market but are not optimised for use with solar home systems. Research and development work needs to be conducted to improve the performance of these near-to-market products and to optimise them for use with Fosera off-grid products. This will be achieved by upgrading sensors and implementing micro controller-based control algorithms to better utilise the full range of appliance performance. These findings will then be implemented into the appliances and field trials will be conducted. Finally, Fosera will then be able to distribute appliances over its extensive distribution network and make the product available to a wide range of off-grid users.
This project is due to complete in May 2022.