- Date
- 2nd November 2022
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MECS is organising and participating in a diverse range of exciting events with our partners at COP27, which we encourage you to join. A rolling list of the events is provided below:
Saturday 12th November 2022
The Modern Energy Cooking Services (MECS) programme, funded by UK Aid (FCDO), and Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL) are co-organising a clean cooking themed session in the SDG7 Pavilion at COP27. The session ‘The Twin Opportunity: Electricity Spurring a Clean e-Cooking Transition’, to be held on Saturday 12th November 2022 from 10.30-13:00 EET.
This session will bring together utilities, high-level government representatives, development banks and philanthropies to discuss how a pivot to eCooking (cooking with electricity) can leverage the investments made in infrastructure improvements to rapidly expand levels of cooking with electricity. The session will also highlight the urgent need to decarbonise and mitigate the devastating consequences of the climate crisis and how eCooking can be integrated into emerging processes of integrated energy planning.
To join the discussions during this session, register here
Wednesday 9th November 2022

The Health and Energy Platform of Action (HEPA) and MECS are co-organising a joint side event in the Health Pavilion at COP27. The session ‘Health and Energy Platform of Action (HEPA): Tackling the health-energy-climate nexus through increased capacity, finance and actions on the ground to accelerate clean cooking’, to be held on Wednesday 9th November 2022 from 15:30-18:15 EET.
This side event will showcase concrete actions, projects and programmes that HEPA partners are implementing on the ground to improve clean household energy within the most vulnerable communities. A variety of HEPA partners working on health and energy issues have committed to accelerate action towards clean cooking and will share practical experience in various countries and regions. Furthermore, speakers will highlight examples on how to tackle issues linked to household energy and show how governments, Ministries, other decision makers and stakeholders can be supported sustainably and successfully.
Watch the live stream on the day: https://youtu.be/sWEW2NuT9uM
Further information about the session can be found here.
Join MECS for the following side events organised by Climate Compatible Growth (CCG) programme
Monday 7th November 2022

The Modern Energy Cooking Services (MECS) programme is chairing a side event hosted by the Climate Compatible Growth (CCG) programme (also in STEER) entitled ‘Scaling Electric Cooking as Part of Decarbonization Strategies: The Kenyan eCooking strategy’ on Monday 7th November 2022 at 17:30-18:30 EET.
There is growing international recognition of the incredible potential of electric cooking to provide a rapidly scaleable alternative to polluting (in both health and carbon terms) cooking fuels. This session will outline the first fruits from an agenda for collaborative work between CCG and MECS in understanding the implications of different scenarios for the scaling of eCooking on overall electricity demand, grid stability, and decarbonization strategies. It will draw heavily on the work of both programmes in Kenya. To register click here.
Tuesday 8th November 2022

MECS is also speaking at a side event chaired by Yacob Mulugetta (UCL) and hosted by the CCG programme entitled ‘LCEDN at the COP: Voices from the frontline’ on Tuesday 8 November 2022 at 18:30-19:30 EET.
This will be a roundtable discussion session featuring a range of speakers who have been involved in official negotiation sessions and other high-level planning prior to COP and official side events. The discussion will be targeted at LCEDN members unable to attend COP in order to give an in-person perspective from those involved in the discussions/negotiations over the key evolving issues, points of convergence/divergence, etc. To register click here.
Wednesday 9th November 2022

The Modern Energy Cooking Services (MECS) programme is chairing another side event hosted by Climate Compatible Growth (CCG) programme entitled ‘Financing Low-Carbon Cooking’ on Wednesday 9 November 2022 at 11:00-12:30 EET.
Building on the preceding session, this session focuses attention onto the specifics of funding the transition to low-carbon cooking. Drawing on the MECS programme’s work on the clean cooking financial landscape, the session focuses on: leveraging electrification funding for eCooking; results-based and impact funding; patient equity; and the promise and perils of climate finance. To register click here.