- Date
- 29th October 2021
- Categories
- General
In addition to the formal COP26 side event on scaling clean cooking led by MECS in collaboration with many international partners which is taking place on the 1st November, there are a diverse range of other exciting events being led by our partners at COP26, which we encourage you to join. A rolling list of summary details is provided below:
Monday 1st November 2021
- UK Universities COP26 Climate Innovation Showcase hosted by the University of Strathclyde: “Climate Justice and Universal Energy Access: Insights from Africa”. 1 November 2021, at 10:30-12:00 GMT. A panel discussion highlighting innovative UK-Africa partnerships implementing low carbon energy access. Register here. View the full events programme led by the University of Strathclyde here.
Tuesday 2nd November 2021
- SDG7 Pavilion side event led by UNITAR on behalf of the Global Platform for Action on Sustainable Energy in Displacement Settings: “Goodbye to Dirty Diesel: Decarbonising Energy Infrastructures in the United Nations System/Humanitarian Operations“. 2 November 2021, at 14:45-15:30. Register here.
- SDG7 Pavilion Panel Discussion led by the Africa-Europe Foundation: “Target 2030: Reinforcing the Africa-Europe Energy Partnership” 2 November 2021, at 15:45-16:45 GMT.
Register here.
Wednesday 3rd November 2021
- GPA led COP26 side event (Action Room 2, Zone B, Scottish Event Campus – Hydro, Glasgow, Scotland & Virtual (hybrid event)): “Leading by Example – Greening Governments, UN and other Public Sector Organisations“. 3 November 2021, at 13:30-14:45 GMT. If you have access to the COP26 Platform, click here to join the event. Otherwise, visit this page to participate virtually when the event starts.
- Government of Rwanda / SEforALL led SDG7 Pavilion side event: “Rwanda – A decade of action to advance SDG7; Launch of Energy Compact on clean cooking; Accelerating access investments and SEforALL Forum in Kigali (May 2022)”. 3 November 2021, at 13:30-14:45 GMT. Register here.
- UK Universities COP26 Climate Innovation Showcase hosted by the University of Strathclyde: “How the demand for energy is underpinning economic development”. 3rd November 2021, at 16:00-17:30 GMT. Register here. Further details about the event here.
Thursday 4th November 2021
- Climate Compatible Growth (CCG), University of Strathclyde led COP26 session 5 side event: “Accelerated low carbon COVID recovery”. 4 November 2021, at 09:00-10:30 GMT. Register here. View the full events programme led by the CCG programme here.

- Efficiency for Access, ICF and the International Energy Agency (IEA) led side event at the COP Resilience Hub: : ‘Building the resilience of smallholder farmers through solar-powered agricultural technologies’. 4 November 2021, 11.15 GMT. An interactive live Q&A with diverse speakers from IKEA Foundation, SNV, Acumen, Efficiency for Access and Wala. Register here. To find out more about the event, visit the EforA website.
- SDG7 pavilion side event organised by LEIA, MECS and TEA: “How can solar-powered technologies help empower people and protect the planet?” 4 November 2021, at 15.00-15.45 GMT. Efficiency for Access, Modern Energy Cooking Services (MECS) and Transforming Energy Access (TEA) are hosting a showcase event that will demonstrate how innovative solar-powered technologies can help accelerate the global clean energy transition. It will be a hybrid in-person and online event. Register here.
- Efficiency for Access hosted SDG7 side event: “Boosting economic empowerment by building local skills and expertise in clean energy”. 4 November 2021, 16:45-17.30 GMT. The University of Cape Town and Carbon Trust will host a panel discussion that explores how to engage youth in relation to the scale-up of the off-grid energy sector. Andrew Mayanja, a Ugandan student who participated in the Efficiency for Access Design Challenge 2020 – 2021, will speak at this event. Register here. To find out more about the event, visit the EforA website.
- Efficiency for Access hosted panel discussion Resilience Hub: ‘Supporting clean energy entrepreneurs’. 4 November 2021, at 17:15-18:45. Efficiency for Access will bring together a diverse group of panelists, clean energy cold storage entrepreneur Nnaemeka Ikegwuonu of ColdHubs, Katherine Owens from M-KOPA, Chris Beland from Energy Saving Trust, Drew Corbyn, Head of Performance and Investment, GOGLA, Kanika Chawla, UN Energy Programme Manager of Sustainable Energy for All. Further information on the event here. Register for the Resilience Hub events here.
- CCA / WHO led side event in the WHO Pavilion: “Advancing Climate and Health Goals Through Clean Cooking Targets in the NDCs”. 4 November 2021, at 17:00-18:00 GMT. Register here.
Join the Clean Cooking Alliance and the WHO at COP26, or virtually, for an interactive panel discussion on raising the profile of household energy targets in Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to improve health and slow the rate of climate change. Clean cooking is a critical piece of the climate solution. We need to scale up climate finance to accelerate clean energy cooking solutions to achieve NDC targets.
- Launch: Loughborough Centre for Sustainable Transitions: Energy, Environment and Resilience (STEER)
4 November 2021, at 17:30–18:30 GMT (Speeches start at 18:00). The official launch of The Centre for Sustainable Transitions: Energy, Environment and Resilience (STEER), a new £80-million research centre at Loughborough University. STEER’s mission is to accelerate the transition to inclusive, sustainable and resilient energy systems. Hear about the work of the STEER team – led by Professors Ed Brown, Mark Howells, and Dr Long Seng To. Register here.

Friday 5th November 2021
- Clean Cooking Alliance SDG7 Pavilion side event: “Empowering Governments to Lead Clean Cooking Transitions”. 5 November 2021, at 14:00-14:45 GMT.

Summary of the Session
Clean cooking benefits a wide range of issues central to national government agendas — health, climate, the environment, women’s empowerment, and the economy – yet coordination within government is often difficult and complex. To help governments navigate these challenges and to support them in implementing ambitious national clean cooking strategies, the Clean Cooking Alliance (CCA) is leading the development of a Clean Cooking Delivery Units Network, which aims to establish teams of civil servants dedicated and empowered to achieving ambitious clean cooking plans.
The event will showcase the planned Delivery Units Network, which will initially be comprised of ~10 initial country delivery units, and discuss how clear, actionable, and robust national transition strategies inclusive of clean cooking can provide the long-term vision that is required to unlock private investment, guide and coordinate action, and serve as a basis for policies. We are seeking more support from donor countries and finance institutions to fund the Network, and engagement from countries seeking to accelerate clean cooking transitions.
Dr Simon Batchelor (UK Research and Innovation Co-ordinator, MECS) will be speaking at the event. Register here.
- South African Pavilion Panel Discussion led by the Africa-Europe Foundation: “Reinforcing the Africa-Europe Climate Alliance: Looking Ahead to COP26 and onto COP27” 5 November 2021, at 16:00-17:30 GMT.
Check the AEF website for updates.
Saturday 6th November 2021
- Solution Spotlight – Energy & Air Pollution. At the 2021 Global Conference on Health and Climate Change. 6 November 2021, at 14:15-14:50 GMT. Register here.
Tuesday 9th November 2021
- GPA led COP26 side event : “Accelerating the implementation of SDG 7 in support of the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement: Increasing Resilience and Ensuring No One is Left Behind“. 9 November 2021, at 11:30-12:45 GMT. If you have access to the COP26 Platform, click here to join the event. Otherwise, visit this page to participate virtually when the event starts.
- Clean Cooking Alliance led side event, SDG7 Pavilion: “Enhancing Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment to Accelerate a Just, Inclusive and Climate-Resilient Energy Transition.” 9 November 2021, at 12:30-13:30 GMT. Register here.
- Clean Cooking Alliance led side event, SDG7 Pavilion: “Cultivating Communities of Practice – Lessons from the Global South in Pursuit of SDG7”. 9 November 2021, 18:30-20:30 GMT. Register here.
Thursday 11th November 2021
- Clean Cooking Alliance led side event, SDG7 Pavilion: “Clean Energy Access for Displaced Communities – Ensure Reaching the Last Mile”. 11 November 2021, at 17:00-17:30 GMT. Register here.
Featured image by Andreas Gücklhorn on Unsplash