- Date
- 12th July 2023
- Categories
- General, Hybrid Event

A hybrid Side Event of the UN High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (UNHQ Secretariat Building, Room: S15-22/23)
12 July, 13:15 – 14:45 New York Time (18:15 – 19:45 BST)
Watch the meeting here: https://bit.ly/3DbRtTL
Professor Ed Brown, Research Director of the UK aid (FCDO) funded Modern Energy Cooking Services (MECS) programme, led by Loughborough University, has been invited to join a panel at a side event of the UN High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development today 12 July, at 13:15 – 14:45 New York Time.
At the halfway point towards the SDGs’ 2030 deadline, clean cooking holds a central importance for achieving the SDGs and aligning with the Paris Agreement. This HLPF side event launches the new UN-Energy Policy Brief, compiled by the World Bank and WHO in collaboration with UN DESA, that proposes a global roadmap for the just and inclusive clean cooking transition, with the aim of helping enable the achievement of the SDG7 and net-zero emissions. The event will also explore next steps towards the SDG summit and how to mobilize political commitment and accelerate action.
Welcome by moderator:
Ms. Maria Neira, Director, Public Health, Environmental and Social Determinants of Health, WHO.
Opening remarks:
Mr. Demetrios Papathanasiou, Global Director, Energy and Extractives Global Practice, World Bank.
Ms. Heather Adair-Rohani, Acting Head, Air Quality, Energy & Health Unit, WHO.
Ms. Zijun Li, Energy Specialist, World Bank.
Mr. Hans Olav Ibrekk, Special Envoy, Climate and Security, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Co-facilitator of SDG7 Technical Advisory Group.
Mr. Paul Mbuthi, Senior Deputy Director, Renewable Energy, Ministry of Energy, Kenya.
Mr. Frank van der Vleuten, Coordinator Climate Finance Team, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Netherlands.
Mr. Steven Hunt, Senior Energy Innovation Advisor, Research and Evidence Directorate, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, UK.
Ms. Chibulu Luo, Global Energy and Climate Change Advisor, Sustainable Energy Hub, UNDP.
Mr. Ed Brown, Professor and Research Director, Modern Energy Cooking Services (MECS), Loughborough University.
Ms. Donee Alexander, Chief Science and Learning Officer, Clean Cooking Alliance.
Ms. Verena Brinkmann, Energy Advisor, Energising Development (EnDev), GIZ.
Next steps:
Mr. Minoru Takada, Team Leader for Climate and Energy, Division for Sustainable Development Goals, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations.
Closing by moderator:
Ms. Maria Neira, Director, Public Health, Environmental and Social Determinants of Health, WHO.
Watch the meeting here: https://bit.ly/3DbRtTL