E-Cooking Hub Launch in Makueni County: A Game Changer in…
Bolo, E., Randa, T., Atela, J., Akala, H., Osogo, P., Okoth, S., (2022). E-Cooking Hub Launch in Makueni County: A Game Changer in the eCooking…
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DownloadBolo, E., Randa, T., Atela, J., Okoth, S., Akala, H., Osogo, P., (2022). The Kisumu’s E-Cooking Hub Launch. MECS Report.
DownloadSerenje, N., Scott, N., (2022). ZAMBIA: Energy efficient cooking, How an energy efficiency electric cooking campaign can contribute to substitution of biomass cooking fuels. MECS…
DownloadAtela, J., Bolo, E., Randa, T., Akala, H., Osogo, P., Chengo, V., Okoth S., (2022). MECS Final Technical Report. MECS report.
DownloadTanzania Traditional Energy Development Organisation (TaTEDO) (2022). Focus Group Discussion Report for Dodoma Urban and Rural Areas of Hai District, Kilimanjaro Region, Tanzania. MECS report.
DownloadShuma, J.C., Sawe, E., Meena, S.B., Aloyce, K., Clements, A. (2022). Thriving Market Briefing Note Series: Towards a Thriving eCook Market in Tanzania. 7. EPC…
DownloadShuma, J.C., Sawe, E., Meena, S.B., Aloyce, K., Clements, A. (2022). Thriving Market Briefing Note Series: Towards a Thriving eCook Market in Tanzania. 6. Opportunities…
DownloadShuma, J.C., Sawe, E., Meena, S.B., Aloyce, K., Clements, A. (2022). Thriving Market Briefing Note Series: Towards a Thriving eCook Market in Tanzania. 5. Quality…
DownloadSieff, R. (2022). ECO Final Report: Analysis of the Key Findings from the Electric Cooking Outreach (ECO) Challenge Fund Projects. MECS report.
DownloadMECS (2022). Accelerating access to electric cooking. MECS programme brochure.
DownloadFraser, J. (2022). LEIA – Challenge Fund Summary. MECS report.
DownloadFinovista (2022). Entrepreneurship Development Programme in Clean Cooking. MECS brochure.