- Date
- 8th September 2023
- Categories
- Webinar
Join us for a ground-breaking webinar series “Empowering Uganda’s Clean Cooking Revolution” that explores the transition to electric cooking (e-cooking) in Uganda.
The series will be organized in two different sessions. The first webinar is tailored at showcasing existing findings and sharing lessons from the innovation window pilot project that was implemented by Energising Development (EnDev) Uganda in cooperation with Modern Energy Cooking Services (MECS) and the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development (MEMD). Additionally, this webinar series will also emphasize the importance of developing a robust supply chain and fostering innovation while borrowing experiences from some Uganda SMEs as well as experiences from other key players in the clean cooking sector.
The second webinar series will highlight key Government and Public Stakeholder Initiatives and support measures as wells as earmark existing and planned enabling environment interventions that is tailored towards stimulating access and adoption of electric cooking appliances while promoting a favorable ecosystem for continued development of the eCooking subsector in Uganda and beyond. (Dates and agenda for second webinar TBC).
Registration is open for the first webinar in the series entitled ‘Empowering Uganda’s Clean Cooking Revolution: Advancing Market Intelligence for Expanding Electric Cooking Supply Chains’, to be held on Thursday, 14th September 2023, 14:00 – 16:00 ( EAT).
Organised by EnDev and the Modern Energy Cooking Services (MECS) programme, the main objective of this webinar is to showcase the insights generated during the innovation window e-cooking pilot project, as well as proposed key areas which can further be promoted across the different players in Uganda’s Clean cooking sector in the realization of Uganda’s efforts towards promoting clean cooking. To encourage collaborations and foster an integrated effort in the clean cooking sector, these webinar series aim to bring together policymakers, private sector, researchers, energy sector professionals, industry representatives, and development partners interested in advancing clean cooking access in Uganda.

Join the MS Teams meeting on 14th September via this link – HERE.