- Date
- 2nd September 2024
- Categories
- Consultancy
MECS is pleased to announce the call for the provision of consultancy services for the development of a Visualization of Key Data and Decision (VKDD) tool.
Project Outline/Introduction
Modern Energy Cooking Services (MECS) is an eight-year research programme funded by UK Aid (FCDO). We are a geographically diverse, multicultural and transdisciplinary team working in close partnership with NGOs, governments, private sector, academia and research institutes, policy representatives and communities in 16 countries of interest to accelerate a transition from biomass to genuinely ‘clean’ cooking.
MECS has now an array of data and access to a number of models that can help decision makers (Government, Private Sector, International Agencies and NGOs) apply integrated energy planning inclusive of cooking to their country. However, the data and models are somewhat scattered, and few of them have a friendly front end or dashboard that guides the decider through their specific context.
The vision for this work is of a single spreadsheet (or database) which will have a graphical interface – a Visualization of Key Data and Decision (VKDD) tool. Users will be able to specify elements such as fuel, appliance, size of family, spend profile of user, emission factor for grid based technologies, etc (with default values being available if these are an unknown for a specific context); and once the sheet ‘calculates’, the user is presented with comparative costs, load profiles (for use with electricity planning), the benefits of a switch of fuels including an indicative carbon saving, etc in clear numbers and graphs that can be easily exported for reports.
The examples given of the inputs and outputs is not exhaustive, and the consultant will work with the MECS team to ensure the model covers all items often requested by our partners.
A number of complex models are available for integrated energy planning which seek to create detailed costings and find optimization scenarios. Most of those rely on the modeler making assumptions about things such as load profile etc. The intention here is to provide a tool that can test different assumptions, in different contexts (e.g. country, urban/rural, grid/off grid etc) and enable modelers to clearly articulate them.
For example, a modeler might assume that households of 5 persons use 2kWh per day for 3 meals, and the country they are modelling might have a tariff of $0.12 per unit. Many models then compare this electricity use with the local LPG price and assume that people refill their 12kg cylinders 3 times a year. The complex models such as OSeMOSYS or the Clean Cooking Explorer will then determine uptake based on those two fuel prices.
The intention of the VKDD is that it enables modelers and decision makers who know the context they’re interested in, but may not know the nuances of cooking, to triage and explore their assumptions before they’re plugged into one of the more complex models.
For example, is 2kWh of ecooking actually equivalent of 12 refills of LPG rather than 3? What are the differences if the eCooking device is a highly efficient induction stove or an EPC? If the consumption was raised to 2.5kWh per day – what does that energy represent in terms of LPG increase?
Scope of Work
MECS is seeking a consultant to work with members of the wider team to:
- Use recent publications about the various models available for energy planning (e.g. OSeMOSYS, Clean Cooking Explorer etc.) to ensure the work dovetails (where possible) with those model requirements for assumptions.
- Collect and collate reports and papers that present data and evidence that will inform the VKDD tool
- Create a simplified spreadsheet (with graphics/visualization) that enables a user via inputs or sliders to explore the cost effectiveness of eCooking compared with alternative fuels, and if possible, creates load profiles for use in other modelling,
- Create a guidance document or help pages so the tool can be used easily
- Create a guidance document that promotes the tool and enables potential users to access the tool.
Important Information
- The tender exercise is managed by Loughborough University.
- Please send all responses to mecs@lboro.ac.uk with the subject ‘VKDD’.
- All proposals must be received by Thursday 26th September 2024, 23:55 BST.
Access the full Terms of Reference below: