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Testing energy efficient pots for cooking with LPG in a Kenyan informal settlement

16th April 2021

By Dr. Elisa Puzzolo (University of Liverpool)

MECS partners at the University of LiverpoolAmref International University and the Global LPG Partnership have launched a MECS-funded randomized controlled trial to evaluate the fuel saving, economic and social impacts of fuel efficient cooking pots adopted for use with LPG in collaboration with the community of an informal settlement in Nairobi. The energy-efficient pots include the Turbo Pot (below, left) by Eneron who plan to enter the Kenyan market and the Flare Pan (below, right) by Nordicware. Both pots have been reported to save up between 20-30% of energy according to the manufacturers.

Villagers in an urban informal settlement community, Nairobi, trialling the Turbo Pot (image, left) and the Flare Pan (image, right). Image credits: Amref International University, 2021.

The objectives of the study are to test the energy efficiency and other impacts of using the two pots in real life community cooking circumstances within the urban informal settlement communities of Nairobi. Specifically the study will determine (i) quantified impacts on amount of LPG used (to document any energy savings), (ii) household perceptions of other pot attributes (time and cost savings) that might encourage household investment in purchasing the pots and (iii) how the pots influence cooking and fuel use practice compared with use of traditional Kenyan cooking pots (known as Sufurias).

The first phase of the research with 6kg cylinder users of LPG is complete with the second phase launched in April with planned completion by June 2021. 

An initial indication is that whilst the pots have achieved some modest efficiencies there is widespread enthusiasm about the use of the pots with extended community interest beyond the study.  For more information about the research, please contact either Dr. Elisa Puzzolo or Prof. Dan Pope