- Date
- 26th January 2024
- Categories
- eCooking Products, Market Assessment
By Dr Nick Rousseau
I often get asked about the different markets where we are working – are they potentially large, promising, accessible, and which countries offer the best prospects for eCooking companies.
There is no easy answer to this and, generally speaking, you have to carry out your own research and consider practical and logistical factors as much as more quantitative ones. Also, there can be a strong role for personal preference and experience as a market where you have some familiarity (or have a team based there) will be much easier to assess and explore than one that is totally new.
In the blog post, I have set out a few resources that might be useful.
MECS studies of countries/markets:
- With Endev, we carried out a series of targeted Market Assessments
- We have worked with partners to create a Global Market Assessment that ranks a much larger group of countries in the Global South using a wide range of measures, with a full report of the analysis, which we have recently just updated.
- I created reports looking at different aspects of countries:
o Overall country profiles
o The nature of eCooking appliances available and imported
o Import Regulations for a selection of African countries
o Device certification requirements
o Organisations within the countries that can be helpful - Finally, if you search on our Publications page and filter by country, you can see the different reports and studies that we have carried out on each.
Other reviews and reports that are directly relevant to eCooking include:
- A recent report by IRENA on the state of renewables- based electric cooking;
- SE4All have published a series of country-specific studies into the potential for eCooking – e.g. Rwanda
- The World Bank report on the State of Access to Modern Energy Cooking – drawing on their Multi-tier Framework for assessing access to clean cooking
- The IEA provide an overview of data on Access to clean cooking (under SDG7)
Get in touch if you would like to discuss your assessment of markets and/or if you would like help finding people to speak to within the markets.
Featured Image: Electric Pressure Cookers, Image by CREEC, 2022.