The Tanzania eCookBook
TaTEDO, DfID and Loughborough University (2020). The Tanzania eCookBook. ISBN: 978-9976-5684-0-0
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Update browserTaTEDO, DfID and Loughborough University (2020). The Tanzania eCookBook. ISBN: 978-9976-5684-0-0
DownloadThe Global LPG Partnership (GLPLP) (2020). Assessing Potential for BioLPG Production and Use within the Cooking Energy Sector in Africa. MECS working paper.
DownloadPeople, Energy and Environment Development Association (PEEDA), DfID and Loughborough University (2020). Assessing electric cooking potential in micro hydropower microgrids in Nepal. MECS-TRIID report.
DownloadNaluwagga, A. and Kiwana, D. (2020). Cooking With Electricity in Uganda. MECS programme presentation. Presented at the Uganda MECS/CREEC first stakeholder consultative online workshop, 29…
DownloadMullen, C. and Wade, N. (2020). Zambia MTF Survey Data Processing: Annex. MECS programme working paper.
DownloadLee, J. (2020). Initial Environmental Impact Assessment for mini-grid in Malawi. MECS programme working paper.
DownloadKhan, M. R. and Alam, I. (2020). A Solar PV-Based Inverter-Less Grid-Integrated Cooking Solution for Low-Cost Clean Cooking. Energies 2020, 13, 5507; doi:10.3390/en13205507 Funded by…
ViewTran, A., To, L. S. and Bisaga, I. (2021). Landscape Analysis of Modern Energy Cooking in Displacement Settings. MECS programme report.
DownloadTran, A., To, L. S. and Bisaga, I. (2020). Landscape Analysis of Modern Energy Cooking in Displacement Settings - audio presentation. MECS Virtual Event 2020.
ViewPrice, M., Jones, T. and Batchelor, S. (2020). Cambodia; Cooking transitions. An analysis of Multi-Tier Framework Data for insights into transitions to modern energy cooking.…
DownloadTran, A., To, L. S. and Bisaga, I. (2021). Landscape Analysis of Modern Energy Cooking in Displacement Settings - Executive Summary. MECS programme report.
DownloadEnergy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) (2020). Cooking with Electricity: A Cost Perspective. Washington, DC: World Bank. License: Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 3.0 IGO.…