- Date
- 23rd May 2022
- Categories
- General
We are seeking Kenyan consulting firms to work with the Ministry of Energy and the Loughborough Centre for Sustainable Transitions: Energy, Environment and Resilience (STEER) to enable the Kenyan Government’s ambition of universal access to clean cooking by 2028. The clean cooking strategy will assess the evidence from a set of baseline studies, setting out the strategic direction for the clean cooking sector. The eCooking (electric cooking) baseline study will assess the status quo and inform the eCooking strategy for accelerating the uptake of eCooking in Kenya.
There are two tenders:
- Kenya National eCooking Study and Strategy (KNeCS)
- Kenya National Clean Cooking Strategy (KNCCS)
To respond to these tenders, please register for Delta eSourcing (https://www.delta-esourcing.com/) with the following access codes: MEFF332378 (KNeCS), AB298438XN (KNCCS).
Submission deadline: 23:59 BST, Wednesday 15th June 2022. (This has been extended from Sunday 12th June)
In response to queries regarding the eligibility criteria, please note that Kenyan organisations who can demonstrate their track record of working in the sector for at least 5 years, even if the incorporation of their current entity happened less than 5 years ago, are eligible to apply.
Queries about the tenders themselves should be raised via Delta eSourcing, however if you’re having technical issues accessing the Delta eSourcing platform itself, please contact the Project Manager, Jane Spencer (j.e.spencer@lboro.ac.uk)