- Date
- 21st February 2024
- Categories
- Carbon Finance, Webinar

Registration is now open to join our upcoming webinar “Meeting the challenges of accessing carbon finance for modern energy cooking projects“. This event is organised by MECS programme and Climate Focus and will be held on Thursday 7th of March 2024, at 13.30-15.00 UK time (GMT).
Carbon credits have become a vital component of funding for Modern Energy Cooking projects. However, assessing the correct approach to accessing these and navigating the complex certification procedures involved is a major challenge for many project developers.
To assist project developers with the challenges they face in accessing carbon finance most effectively, MECS has commissioned a series of reports from Climate Focus covering different aspects of the voluntary carbon market as it affects clean cooking projects. These reports are available on the MECS website and include:
- The Role of Voluntary Carbon Markets in Clean Cooking: Provides an overview of pertinent issues in carbon markets for clean cooking today.
- Clean Cooking Carbon Markets: An overview of the project development process, and an accompanying Excel tool that can be used by prospective project developers to estimate the financial viability of carbon credit certification for a project in the voluntary carbon market.
- Clean Cooking Carbon Markets: An overview of service providers and buyers.
- Making Carbon Finance Work for Clean Cooking: How different carbon credit transaction structures influence access to carbon finance.
- More than Just a Carbon Project: How clean cooking projects certified under the Gold Standard approach Sustainable Development Goal claims.
To celebrate the growth of this library, we would like to invite you to join us on a webinar aimed at providing prospective project developers and other interested parties, an insight into the information provided in this library and what to expect when seeking carbon finance.
Webinar Background
In the upcoming webinar, Hilda Galt, who is a Lead Consultant at Climate Focus and lead author of the report series will discuss the main issues that developers of modern energy cooking projects should be aware of when seeking carbon finance through the voluntary carbon market. She will also explain how the information provided in the publication series can be helpful to project developers. This will be followed by a panel discussion where representatives of several leading groups, representing diverse viewpoints and industry backgrounds, will offer their perspectives on recent developments.
Webinar Agenda
- 13.30-13.40: Welcome & Introduction by Dr Simon Batchelor, MECS Research Coordinator & Director of Gamos
- 13.40-14.10: Context, and overview of resources by Hilda Galt, Lead Consultant at Climate Focus
- 14.10-14.55: Panel Discussion, moderated by Malcolm Bricknell, MECS, panellists include:
1- Ben Jeffreys, CEO at ATEC
2- Rocio Perez Ochoa, CEO at Bidhaa Sasa
3- Claire Willers, Senior Manager, Market Relations at Gold Standard
4- Kranav Sharma, Manager, Industrial Innovation at VERRA
5- Prantik Mitra, Strategy Director at MicroEnergy Credits
- 14.55-15.00: Closing remarks by Dr Simon Batchelor, MECS
To book your place on this virtual event please register below: